18 March 2014


It has been months since I've written here. There are two reasons for this:
1. I haven't had anything particularly interesting happen since I got back from the U.S.
2. I've felt that I should continue the U.S. series of posts rather than put something else in the middle of them, and for some reason I've felt reluctant to write the Vegas post. I have no idea why.
Vegas was amazing. Very, very tiring, but amazing. I think the main issue I have with writing about it is that it's so hard to effectively put into words. Because of this, I'm going to settle for doing a highlight reel type thing.

Now, the absolute number one best thing about Vegas had very little to do with Vegas itself. My best friend Ben managed to come down from New York, and it was absolutely amazing to see him again. It had been years, and hanging out with him was the best three days I've had in a very long time.

We spent a large majority of our time either wandering around the city, or eating. My gosh, the food was amazing.

Sadly this photo was taken before the fire starting to appear increased ten-fold and Ben and I freaked out, but hey look, giant metal praying mantis!

The other highlight of the Vegas trip did not actually occur in Vegas. Didn't even occur in Nevada for that matter.

Being so close, Laura and I felt we had to visit the Hoover Dam, and man it was amazing, as was the trip there. I feel like a lot of people fail to realise how absolutely beautiful desert can be, and then to see such a massive body of water in the middle of said desert. It's one of the few landscapes that I hadn't really seen in my life before, so it was a pretty epic part of the trip.

The final highlight was seeing the show Absinthe. It was basically a small show in circus format, mostly focusing on incredibly impressive acrobatic acts. It was in a very small venue, probably 150 people at most, and was absolutely mind blowing. I've never seen anything quite like it. I won't be posting any photos however, largely due to the fact I'm not sure it'd actually be legal to do so.

Anyway, this finally brings my series of posts regarding my U.S. trip to an end. I'll probably start posting literature and history related stuff. Regardless of what I do post, I really need to get back into the habit of it, it has been far too long.

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