23 November 2013

United States of America pt. 2

Off to Oregon tomorrow, so I thought I'd write another blog post regarding to my time in Northern California. After we return from Oregon, we'll be in Garberville for one more day. After that we're off to San Francisco for a couple of days, and after that, Las Vegas. It's been a fairly relaxed past couple of weeks, and with how busy we're likely to be over the next couple, it's probably a good thing.

First off, as promised, one more photo of the apple trees:

Probably the most interesting day so far was last Saturday. Laura's friend Arturo picked us up in town, and took us to a redwood forest, and then on to a near by (kind of) city, Eureka.

I'm definitely not much of an outdoors person, but the redwood forest was nothing short of amazing. It felt very different to the bush I'm used to in West Auckland. While it was not very dense at all, the trees themselves were ridiculously tall. Some of the tallest in the world. Somehow the lack of density made the height of each individual tree more impressive.

After that, we went to pretty much the complete opposite of a redwood forest. Target. It's kinda like the Warehouse, but bigger. And cheaper. Soooooo much cheaper.

I did get some new clothes though, and clothes I actually needed as opposed to more black tshirts. Laura grabbed plenty of makeup that would cost a ridiculous amount in NZ, and I stocked up on snacks. We also went to Walmart, because it was apparently something I had to experience. It was depressing. Let's not talk about Walmart.

When at home rather than out and about, I've been helping more around the house a bit, and reading. A lot. Just about finished A Clash of Kings, and am thinking about moving on to Farenheit 45.

Will give an update about being in Oregon when I get the chance. :)

1 comment:

  1. I hate Walmart, I'm glad you prefer not to talk about it!!
