10 April 2013

Hello there blogger

So, I'm pretty much going to use this blog as a dumping ground for random thoughts. I guess it'll mostly be about whatever I'm studying/reading (the two can be separate or the same) at the time as that's largely what I  think about. There'll probably be some gaming stuff or random rants interspersed.

For the poor sods who don't know me but have stumbled across this blog and is wondering what exactly a TCK (a grumpy one nonetheless) is, let me explain. A Third Culture Kid, or TCK for short, is an individual who spent a large period of their childhood in a culture other than their parents' and/or passport country. For me this was spending a little over 8 years in Thailand from the ages of nearly 10 - just over 18.

Now, maybe you're wondering what the "third" part of the term means. Well, even if you aren't, I feel like explaining it so I'm going to. The "first culture" is your parents' culture. For me this was New Zealand culture. The "second" culture is the culture of the country you move to. Once again, in my case, this was Thailand. The "third culture" mentioned in the term itself is a merging of these two cultures along with the weirdness that comes out of growing up in such a way.

1 comment:

  1. That and the fact that there are times when neither culture feels like "home".
