26 April 2013


So far I've enjoyed all the Danny Boyle (which is admittedly, not that many) movies I've seen. Trance was no different. Well, it IS different in the way it's pretty weird, but I definitely enjoyed it. I appreciated the fact that even though it's a mind fuck of a movie, it all gets properly explained and tied up at the end. Yay for few plot holes! The acting and writing was top notch, but the main attraction of it to me was the visuals. Doesn't really use any special effects but relies on lighting. It's been a while since I've seen a movie on the big screen that struck me as so vivid. Probably helps that the cinema I went to up here in Wellington is better than the Invercargill one though. Sadly down there the projectors are kinda out of focus and possibly dirty. Anyway, I digress. Trance was great. I must admit, part of the reason I like the way it looks so much is due to it's huge usage of the colour red, which really is my favourite.

Other than that, I got locked out of Mum's house today. My phone was inside too, so I had no way of contacting her. This is what lead me to seeing the movie. I also ended up picking up a small notebook and pen to write in as a cheap way of passing time. I've found I quite enjoy it and I think I'll continue. It's probably not writing I'll ever show anyone, but it's still writing. I used to write quite a bit, especially when I was around 12-14. Not sure why I stopped, I just kinda did. Now I'm inspired by my English course amongst other things and I think I shall take it up again. Got friends wanting me to be a D&D dungeon master, so maybe I'll write a few of my own campaigns. Could be fun.

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