19 June 2013

TCK Stuff

I had a thought. Possibly an obvious thought, but to me it was a new thought. Indiana Jones is a third culture kid. Not just because he has an American accent but obviously grew up somewhere other than the States, but because he actually has a few traits that are fairly common in us TCKs.
  • Despite having an American accent, he's not fully American, or possibly not American at all (you never seem to find out much about his mother). His Dad is Scottish.
  • He blends in rather well in multiple cultures and seems to have no trouble getting along with the locals (other than the ones actively trying to kill him). However, when it comes to being in his home country, he feels uncomfortable and out of place.
  • Although he cares for his friends, he seems to have trouble maintaining relationships. He will leave people behind on a moments notice to go off to something more exciting. Yes, I know a lot of us TCKs are better at saying good bye than this, but we're also often more ready to move than most people.
It's nothing all that serious, but I find it to be an interesting thought.

On another note, I'm finally planning a specific short story for the TCK writing project I'm working on. This is opposed to just brain storming for general ideas for the series. I'm planning on writing it as a series of short stories. Each short story will focus on a specific character. These characters will almost definitely be recurring and at times loosely connected.

The story I'm currently working on is essentially about me. This makes sense as I haven't managed to actually get around to talking to other TCKs about their experiences for this project. I WILL be doing this before I make other characters, but I figured for now I should just get on with writing an actual story and seeing how it goes. The story is based on my first experience in Singapore. My family and I stayed there for a few days on our way to Thailand when we initially moved there. The experience was... interesting. I love Singapore now, but to 9 year old me it was a bit overwhelming.  Anyway, you'll get to read about it when I publish it. It could be a while, I have to plan it, write a draft, read over the draft, write another draft, get people to read that draft, get people to give opinions on the draft, write another draft... you get the idea.

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